Saturday, March 8, 2008

Books I've Read Recently Part 1

I've been fortunate to have had some extra time and to have spent it reading some good books.

The Palestinian Catastrophe Michael Palumbo
- a look at the formation of Israel from the Palestinian perspective
- Jews used terror and massacres to force native Palestinians out, violating their legal justification, the Balfour Declaration. Issued in 1917 this was seen as payment for Jewish help in WW I. From Wickipedia:

" being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."
- war sought by Israel to increase lebensraum, peace impossible
- 800 000 Palestinians forced out
- Israelis official line was that "Arabs" left because their leaders told them to, confident that they would return victorious

My conclusions were that Israel is a militaristic, prejudiced, theocratic country forever at war with its neighbors. No peace will be possible until a full apology and reparations are made to the ghettoized Palestinians.

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